Manga+Press 2.7.2 has just been released, complete with Spanish Language support!
This release also fixes a few issues.
- Templates for Latest and Comic Archives pages weren’t included with the Manga+Press bundled theme. Those templates have been added (finally). Possibly because of the amount of stopping and starting I’ve had to do, I may have forgotten the reason for including these templates and taken them out, thinking they were unnecessary.
- Clarified field descriptions in the WordPress admin.
- Found and fixed issues with query-processing relating to comic navigation.
- Note: Comic navigation may not work on listing pages. Originally, I had intended for the listing pages (for instance, anything that would use category.php or archive.php) to behave exactly the same as a post using single.php or single-comic.php. Then I realized that 1.) this adds way too much logic to one function, and 2.) this type of functionality is pointless on archive pages, to put it mildly.
- Added Spanish Language support!
Manga+Press 2.8
Manga+Press 2.8 will have two other bundled themes with templates supporting TwentyTen and TwentyTwelve themes. With WordPress 3.5 not that far around the corner, I’ll be reviewing which parts of the Manga+Press code-base can be removed, particularly relating to those functions dealing with comic navigation. Those two functions are duplicates of two core WordPress functions because the two functions in question don’t support custom post-types. It’s a known bug (#17807) that I’m hoping gets fixed with the release of 3.5.
Manga+Press 2.8 will feature:
- Custom permalink structure for comics and series.
- Two additional bundled child-themes for TwentyTen and TwentyTwelve.
- Character Manager add-on (or plugin)
I may also bring back features that were stripped from 2.7 that were originally part of 2.6.x. Namely the and comic-updates codes. I may just leave that as optional text fields for inserting content before and after the comic.
Site Changes
Finally, I’ve been making some changes to the site. Bringing the theme up-to-date, fixing some of the CSS, and moving the Help section to the Google Code site. Yep, that’s right. I moved the Help section. You’ll notice that the Help tab is still there, but it actually links out to the Help section that I’ve integrated into the Manga+Press Google Code site. I did this namely to have the Help section closer to the issue tracker, with the idea that people would probably use that to report issues instead of leaving comments here.