Author Archives: Jess G

Jess G

November 4, 2012

Manga+Press 2.7.3 is coming out soon. This version fixes an issue reported by a user on the WordPress Plugin Support forums relating to grouping comics by category. There is a beta of 2.7.3 in the WordPress Plugin repository now, you can download it [here] now for testing. I’ve been waiting on releasing this version because I want to test it out a little more to make sure it doesn’t break anything or cause more problems.

Be warned: if you use the “Group by Category” feature, this might change the behavior you’re used to.

Update at your own risk!

Jess G

October 2, 2012

WordPress 3.5 Beta 1 was released last week. Because of the extensive changes to the Media Library API, I’ve been taking time to test Manga+Press 2.7.2 extensively against WordPress 3.5.

Rest assured, Manga+Press 2.7.2 does work just fine with WordPress 3.5 Beta 1. I’ll continue testing with each new nightly release to ensure no breaks in functionality occur. Once WordPress 3.5 reaches release candidate phase, I’ll start development on Manga+Press 2.8.

In the meantime, note that the Manga+Press website now has a new domain:!

Manga+Press Demo and Plans For Manga+Press 2.8

So, I finally have a live demo of Manga+Press 2.7 back up and running. You can check out the “Latest Comics” page to see it in action. There is also the new Silent Shadow site, which uses Manga+Press.

Plans for Manga+Press 2.8:

  • Custom Permalink structure for comics and series taxonomy
  • Character Manager add-on (or plugin)
  • Bug-fixes for any remaining 2.7 bugs.
  • Some theme-lovin’ for the default Manga+Press theme.
  • Improve on default templates for integration with WordPress TwentyTen, -Eleven, and -Twelve themes.
I also need to finish updating this site as well. Documentation needs to be brought up to date. I may transfer the documentation into a MediaWiki site or make use of Google Code’s wiki implementation instead of having it here on the site.

Noticed any bugs in 2.7? Please report them on the Manga+Press Google Code page: Issue Tracker. I’ll be more likely to see them there than on the WordPress support forums.