Monthly Archives: September 2012

Manga+Press Demo and Plans For Manga+Press 2.8

So, I finally have a live demo of Manga+Press 2.7 back up and running. You can check out the “Latest Comics” page to see it in action. There is also the new Silent Shadow site, which uses Manga+Press.

Plans for Manga+Press 2.8:

  • Custom Permalink structure for comics and series taxonomy
  • Character Manager add-on (or plugin)
  • Bug-fixes for any remaining 2.7 bugs.
  • Some theme-lovin’ for the default Manga+Press theme.
  • Improve on default templates for integration with WordPress TwentyTen, -Eleven, and -Twelve themes.
I also need to finish updating this site as well. Documentation needs to be brought up to date. I may transfer the documentation into a MediaWiki site or make use of Google Code’s wiki implementation instead of having it here on the site.

Noticed any bugs in 2.7? Please report them on the Manga+Press Google Code page: Issue Tracker. I’ll be more likely to see them there than on the WordPress support forums.