Author Archives: Jess G

Manga+Press 2.7.5 Released!

I’ve just released Manga+Press 2.7.5, which fixes a few bugs, one fix which was going to be included in Manga+Press 2.8. I’ve decided to hold off on 2.8 until after the New Year.

List of changes in 2.7.5:

  • Fixed 404 when visiting comic pages after update (ported from upcoming 2.8 release)
  • Fixed undefined index errors caused by check-boxes when settings page is updated
  • Tested works with WordPress 3.8

You can download 2.7.5 from the Download tab, or from the WordPress Plugin Repo [here].

Jess G

December 9, 2013

I haven’t forgotten Manga+Press. Just been very busy adjusting to a new job since August. I know that WordPress 3.8 is due out very soon and I will make every effort to assure that Manga+Press (both stable 2.7.3 and 2.8-beta) work with the new WordPress version. If I remember correctly, the last thing with Manga+Press 2.8 was completing Spanish language translation as well as some final testing.

Blog will be updated with additional notes and progress!

Jess G

July 17, 2013

Manga+Press 2.8 Beta-1 is available for download from my Github page [here].

Manga+Press 2.8 brings compatibility with the new Media Library window introduced in 3.5. Manga+Press 2.8-beta1 was tested with WordPress 3.6 alpha — I haven’t had a chance to test it out with the RC version yet. Find an issue with 2.8? Please log it on my Github page, thanks!

What’s in store for Manga+Press in 2013

First off: the Google Code-hosted Manga+Press repo has been moved to GitHub, you can find it [here]. Eventually, the help documentation for Manga+Press will be moved to GitHub as well. The reason behind this move is primarily a learning opportunity for myself as well as providing an opportunity for greater exposure for Manga+Press and (hopefully) highlight my coding skills.

So what is in store for Manga+Press in 2013? First, is Manga+Press 2.8. Manga+Press 2.8 is presently in the planning stage. Among the features being planned is the custom permalink structure, character manager add-on, and updates to the Manga+Press default theme. I’m also going to work in another code-cleanup for 2.8 — I’ve learned a lot in the past year and I think that the Manga+Press code base could benefit from that improvement in my coding skills. More than likely, a lot of crud will be removed that doesn’t need to be there.

Finally, Manga+Press 2.7.3 does work with WordPress 3.5. I had been testing Manga+Press throughout the 3.5 dev cycle but never had a chance to officially announce that fact — or update the readme files — until now. The holidays kept me pretty busy.

Until the next update!

Jess G

November 20, 2012

Manga+Press 2.7.3 has been released. This includes a bug-fix/feature request dealing with the “Group by Category” feature. There is now a secondary feature that also allows you to restrict grouping to a parent category. For example, you have a comic that is grouped in a category that is a child-category of another category. Normally, “Group by Category” would simply use that sub-category. The “Group By Category Parent” option allows you to restrict grouping according to that category’s parent.

Also in this release, I’ve included some minor bug-fixes that would’ve affected a small number of people using WP_DEBUG as well as extensive testing to ensure that Manga+Press 2.7.x works with WordPress 3.5.