Author Archives: Jess G

Jess G

January 6, 2015

A bug came to my attention recently and I’m currently in the process of working on a fix. Anyway, 2.9 introduced some interesting things behind the scenes involving the Series taxonomy. Essentially, with 2.9, you need to have a comic assigned to a Series category in order for that comic to be displayed properly. I’ve gotten two reports of comics throwing 404s and/or navigation not displaying correctly. After much effort in attempting to reproduce the issue, I found that when you create a comic post without assigning a series cat directly following installation, you will likely experience this error. However, if you go back to the comic in the WP admin and attempt to assign a category, it should still work and you should be able to see your comic.

That’s it for now. Will keep the blog updated as needed.

Thoughts on Manga+Press 3.0

Yes, its a bit early to be thinking about MP 3.0 with 2.9 just out the door but hey, gotta start sometime. Anyway, I’ve decided that active development on 3.0 won’t start until middle or late spring 2015 at the earliest. I have a tentative release date of December 31st, 2015 for MP 3.0, which could change depending on progress. I do have a few ideas for features — some my own, and some handed down by other users — for Manga+Press 3.0, which you can see on Github under the 3.0 Milestone.

To be honest, the UI around the Series taxonomy is going to be my primary focus for 3.0 especially since fixing the comic navigation with regards to category structure is what took up the majority of my time. I found out that the forked versions of the WordPress post navigation functions I was using actually did a better job of what I wanted versus trying to use WordPress’ built-in functions.

Anyway, see ya in the New Year!

Released: Manga+Press 2.9

Manga+Press 2.9 has finally been released for download on in time for the holidays. The culmination of a year’s worth of work. 2.9 features a major refactor of the plugin code as well as correcting some issues that were noticed during development. I’ve also removed a number of options in the Manga+Press that weren’t really needed or were obsolete. For example:

  • The Order By option. This option actually dates back to when Manga+Pres was forked from the MyComic Browser plugin and hasn’t been used since pre 2.6.
  • The Use Theme Template made sense at the time it was released, however once I started refactoring the plugin, I realized that this should be default behavior so these options have been removed as well.

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Manga+Press 2.9.0 RC 2 Released on Github

Manga+Press 2.9.0 RC 2 has been released on Github for download and testing.

So far so good. I haven’t found any bugs in this current RC version. I’m at a point where I feel comfortable enough to release this version to the WordPress plugin repository possibly sometime this week.

I’m also at a point where I’m noticing other options can likely be removed, like the “Insert Navigation” functionality, which has been all but made obsolete by Manga+Press’ built-in template inclusion.

Manga+Press 2.9.0 RC 1 Released on Github!

Manga+Press 2.9.0 RC 1 has been released on Github for download and testing.

Unofficial release date for Manga+Press 2.9, I’m looking at possibly before the end of the year — depending on work/holiday schedules, of course! After the release, I’m planning to wait until June or July before starting development on Manga+Press 3.0.